Living Healthy

What Your Periodontist Wants You to Know

Dental caries is the leading cause of dental diseases in the UAE. Periodontal diseases or gum disease is the inflammation or infection of the gums, bones, and ligaments surrounding your teeth. This disease can lead to loose teeth or tooth loss.


By Team ArabiaMD

 • 5 min read • 
What Your Periodontist Wants You to Know

Things Your Periodontist Wants You to Know


Dental caries is the leading cause of dental diseases in the UAE. Periodontal diseases or gum disease is the inflammation or infection of the gums, bones, and ligaments surrounding your teeth. This disease can lead to loose teeth or tooth loss. Symptoms include gums that bleed easily, bright red or purplish gums, puffy or swollen gums, tender gums, bad breath, painful chewing, etc. It is important to seek medical attention to prevent the problem from getting worse.

The Role of a Periodontist

A periodontist is a dentist whose specialty is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of periodontal disease and also works with dental implants. This dentist is also an expert in treating oral inflammation. A periodontist treats more problematic cases like those with complex medical history or severe gum disease. Periodontists offer various treatments like root planing and scaling, and root surface debridement. They also use various surgical procedures to treat severe gum problems. Gum disease can make you lose teeth and, in extreme cases, suffer a jaw or gum disease that requires removing a part of your jawline.

Importance of Oral Health

A periodontist is an expert in teeth and gums and is a great resource to help you have good oral health. Even if you have healthy gums, you can always learn a few things to continue maintaining your oral health. Here are things your periodontist wants you to know:

1. Minimize Your Candy Intake

  • Sweet and sugary foods promote the reproduction of bacteria in your mouth; it’s best to avoid these foods.
  • Eating sweets promotes the growth of harmful bacteria; they ferment the sugar and produce acid that forms plaque.
  • The acid erodes the enamel and causes cavities.
  • Harmful bacteria can cause infections that can damage your gums.
  • Plaque hardens into tartar; this damages gums, bleeding, swelling, inflammation, and infections.

2. Fruits and Veggies Equals a Healthy Smile

  • Fruits and vegetables are important for overall health; crunchy vegetables and fruits help remove bacterial plaque from your teeth.
  • Carrots, apples, and celery clean your teeth and freshen your breath.
  • Berries like raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries are rich in anthocyanins that can prevent the colonization and attachment of pathogens on your teeth.

3. Proper Brushing Techniques

  • Brushing your teeth eliminates plaque buildup on your teeth and microbes on the tonsillar areas and tongue surface.
  • Dental plaque consists of food particles and bacteria in your tooth cavity.
  • Irregular and ineffective brushing of teeth can cause plaque to harden and become tartar which is hard to remove by brushing.
  • Left untreated, tartar can cause dental diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis, which are painful and can damage your teeth and gums.
  • Good brushing techniques include the frequency; you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, after waking up and before going to bed.
  • It’s advisable to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes; brush in small circular motions.

4. Drink More Water

  • Fluoridated water is good for your teeth.
  • Water washes away dead cells, food particles, and debris from your mouth.
  • Drinking more water helps to get rid of this debris.
  • Drinking water promotes the production of saliva; this prevents debris and bacteria from sticking on your teeth.
  • Sufficient saliva helps to prevent bad breath and tooth decay.
  • It also prevents your teeth from erosion by acids.
  • Drink water after eating sugary foods to neutralize the sugar and acid content to prevent cavities and tooth decay.
  • Drinking water regularly can also prevent your teeth from getting stained by certain food and drinks like coffee.

5. Proper Flossing Techniques

  • Flossing helps to clean the spaces between your teeth to prevent food buildup and other oral problems.
  • Your mouth is full of bacteria; these, together with food particles and mucus, can form plaque on your teeth.
  • Brushing your teeth might not be enough to maintain good oral hygiene, especially in those difficult to reach and inaccessible areas of your teeth.
  • Dental floss is made from nylon filaments; you can choose the flavored, thin, thick, waxed, or unwaxed.

6. Choose the Right Toothbrush

  • It’s necessary to choose the right toothbrush; decide between a manual and electric toothbrush.
  • The type of brush does not matter as long as you use fluoride toothpaste and spend at least 2 minutes brushing.
  • Choose the brush with the best bristles; soft bristles are the best for removing debris and plaque.
  • Stiff and medium bristles can be too hard on your gums and enamel.
  • Only use a hard or medium toothbrush if your dentist recommends it.
  • Choose the right size of the toothbrush head and the best brush handle for you.

Remember, dental health is important for your overall health and wellness. Periodontists help to take care of your teeth and gums. They perform a comprehensive examination to give you a diagnosis of your oral health. It is important to take care of your teeth and, more importantly, to seek help when you have a problem.

PeriodontistDental Care