
Why Too Much Sugar is Bad

You might already know that too much sugar is unhealthy and you might be consuming a lot of sugar unknowingly. Fast foods like fizzy drinks, baked goods, candy, tomato sauce, bread, etc.


By Team ArabiaMD

 • 3 min read • 
Why Too Much Sugar is Bad

The Negative Effects of Excess Sugar on Your Body


Consuming too much sugar is unhealthy, and many people may not realize how much sugar they are consuming. Sugar is found in various foods like fizzy drinks, baked goods, candy, tomato sauce, and bread. Added sugar can be difficult to detect as it can be listed under different names. The World Health Organization recommends reducing daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake.

What is Sugar?

Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that is broken down into glucose to be used as energy. There are two main sources of sugar:

Natural sugar:

  • Found in whole natural foods like fruits and vegetables
  • Examples: beetroots, carrots, onions, zucchini, squash, etc.

Processed sugar:

  • Sugar extracted from its natural source
  • Examples: white cane sugar, agave, high fructose corn syrup

How Too Much Sugar Affects Your Body

Excess sugar can have negative effects on various parts of your body:


  • Sugar alone does not harm your teeth, but it encourages the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth
  • Bacteria produce acid when you eat sugar, leading to tooth enamel corrosion and cavities
  • Consult a dentist if you have any dental issues


  • Glucose is the main source of energy for your brain
  • Excess sugar can lead to sugar addiction, affecting self-control and causing cravings
  • High sugar intake can decrease cognition, compromise brain function, and lead to tension, depression, and memory problems


  • Sugar can cause inflammatory skin conditions like acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and dermatitis
  • Sugar consumption can lead to insulin production, causing inflammation
  • Sugar can accelerate aging through a process called glycation and increase oil production in the skin, leading to breakouts


  • Excess sugar can worsen arthritis symptoms by increasing pain and inflammation
  • Increased sugar levels are linked to joint pain in arthritis patients


  • High fructose corn syrup or fructose can damage the liver
  • The liver breaks down fructose into fat, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and scarring of the liver

Body Weight:

  • Excess sugar consumption leads to weight gain
  • Drinking sweetened drinks increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and weight gain
  • Sugar disrupts the body's "fullness" hormone, making you feel hungrier even if you consume many calories


  • Excess sugar can directly increase the risk of heart disease by affecting arteries
  • Sugary foods increase triglycerides and can cause artery blockage and heart damage
  • High-sugar diets linked to obesity can cause high blood pressure and inflammation, increasing the risk of heart disease


Consuming excess sugar can have many negative effects on your body, from dental issues to heart disease. It is important to watch your diet and limit your sugar intake to improve your overall health and well-being.

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