Al Das Medical Clinic is committed to providing the highest quality patient care. Our dedication to excellence, compassion and innovation is rooted in our devotion to the art and science of healing, which supports every aspect of our mission and to the care we give to our patients. Care at Al Das Medical Clinic centres on diagnosing and treating patients of all ages, while emphasizing preventative medicine and the overall health and wellness of its patients. The clinic features state of the art equipment and trained staff that will optimize the care of each patient. We understand that there are many factors that can affect health, including exercise, diet, environment and heredity.
- Chiropractor
- Dermatologist
- Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT)
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Internal medicine
- Laser Hair Reduction
- OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)
- Physiotherapist
What this hospitals offers
Our doctors
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