How to Choose the Best Specialist Doctor for Insomnia in Dubai
Insomnia is a sleep disorder with varying patterns. Patients struggle to sleep and often wake up early. Treatment involves managing underlying conditions and adopting healthy sleep habits.
By Team ArabiaMD

The United Nations: An Overview
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945. Its primary goals include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, and coordinating cooperation among nations to address global issues.
Structure of the United Nations
The UN is composed of various bodies that work together to achieve its goals:
- General Assembly: It is the main deliberative and policy-making body, consisting of all 193 Member States. Each member has one vote, and important decisions require a two-thirds majority.
- Security Council: Responsible for maintaining peace and security, with 15 members - 5 permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and 10 non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms.
- Economic and Social Council: Responsible for promoting economic and social development and coordinating the work of specialized agencies.
- Secretariat: Headed by the Secretary-General, the Secretariat is the chief administrative officer of the organization.
The UN Charter
The UN Charter, signed by 51 countries, outlines the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Key principles include the peaceful resolution of disputes, the promotion of respect for human rights, and the prohibition of the use of force against other countries.
UN Peacekeeping Operations
UN peacekeeping operations involve the deployment of military and civilian personnel to conflict areas to help maintain peace and security.
Successes and Challenges
The United Nations has achieved success in various areas, including decolonization, human rights, and development. However, it also faces challenges, such as the need for reform to enhance effectiveness and accountability. Ongoing debates and discussions exist on issues like the reform of the Security Council to better reflect global power dynamics.
The United Nations plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges and promoting international cooperation. Its various bodies work together to achieve peace, security, and development. Nonetheless, challenges need to be addressed to ensure effectiveness in a changing world.