What is Breast Cancer?
Did you know that breast cancer is among the top 3 cancers that affect women in the UAE? Women as young as 30 years suffer from breast cancer in the UAE.
By Team ArabiaMD

Breast Cancer in the UAE
Breast cancer is one of the top three cancers affecting women in the UAE. In 2018, there were a total of 4,707 new cancer cases, with breast cancer accounting for 22.4% or 1,054 cases. Breast cancer can affect women as young as 30 years old.
Statistics on Breast Cancer
- 1 in 6 women and 1 in 5 men worldwide develop breast cancer during their lifetime.
- In 2020, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer and 685,000 deaths were reported globally.
- By the end of 2020, 7.8 million women had been diagnosed with breast cancer in the past five years.
Development and Spread of Breast Cancer
- Breast cancer develops when mutations occur in genes responsible for cell growth.
- Mutations cause cells to divide uncontrollably, forming cancer cells.
- Breast cancer can occur in the lobules, ducts, or connective tissue of the breast.
- Cancer cells can invade other breast tissue and spread to lymph nodes under the arms.
Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Early signs of breast cancer may include:
- Painless lumps in the breast
- Nipple discharge other than milk
- Skin changes, such as redness and swelling
- Lumps or nodes on the inside of the breasts
- General pain in any part of the breast
- Change in breast size or shape
- Changes in the appearance of the nipple
Specific signs of invasive breast cancer may include:
- Change in breast color
- Itchy or irritated breasts
- Rapid increase in size
- Flaking or peeling of nipple skin
- Changes in touch, such as warmth, tenderness, or hardness
- Breast lumps or thickening
- Pitting or redness of breast skin
Other symptoms of breast cancer may include:
- Skin irritation or dimpling
- Mass or lump in the breast
- Nipple or breast pain
- Swelling in all or parts of the breast
- Nipple discharge or retraction
- Red, scaly, or thickened breast or nipple skin
- Lump or swelling in the underarm
Non-invasive breast cancer (stage 0 cancer) may not cause physical symptoms and is detectable through mammography. Inflammatory breast cancer rarely causes lumps and may not be detected on mammograms. Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer include inverted nipple, swollen and itchy red breasts, one visibly large breast, breast pain or burning, pitted or ridged skin, no mass felt with a breast self-exam, unresolved symptoms despite antibiotics, and swollen lymph nodes above the collarbone or under the arm.
Metastatic breast cancer symptoms vary depending on the stage and spread. It may not cause any symptoms in some cases. If the chest wall or breast is affected, symptoms may include nipple discharge, pain, thickening, or a lump in the underarm or breast. If the bones are affected, symptoms may include pain, constipation, fractures, or decreased alertness.
It is important to be aware of the signs of breast cancer and seek treatment when necessary. Regular self-examinations are crucial for early detection. Men can also develop breast cancer and should consult a specialist if they experience any issues. Breast cancer is treatable, especially when detected early.