Dr. Bothina Khalil
Internal medicine • 19 years of experience
Dubai Investment Park 1, Dubai Investments Park 1, Dubai Investments Park 1
About Dr. Bothina Khalil
Dr. Bothina Khalil is an internal medicine specialist with a license from the Dubai Health Authority. She is currently working at Nmc Hospital LLC located in Dubai Investments Park 1. Dr. Khalil has a wealth of experience in the field of internal medicine. Her most recent position was as a specialist at Nmc Royal Hospital LLC, where she has been working since August 2018. Prior to that, she worked at Dr. Talal Qutub Medical Center from April 2015 to April 2016, Jeddah National Hospital from February 2015 to March 2015, Al Ruwily Hospital from February 2014 to January 2015, Dr. Inass Clinic from June 2011 to December 2013, and Police Hospital as a registrar from September 2006 to May 2011. Dr. Khalil has received positive reviews for her work. Her patients appreciate her expertise and the care she provides. She is known for her thoroughness and dedication to her patients' well-being. Overall, Dr. Bothina Khalil is a highly skilled and experienced internal medicine specialist with a strong track record in providing quality healthcare to her patients. She is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in her field, and her patients can expect to receive the highest standard of care under her supervision.
Provider information
Work experience
Specialist Active License Nmc Royal Hospital LLC License: 00164137-001
Aug 2018 - present - Dubai, UAE
Internal Medicine Specialist Dr/ Talal Qutub Medical Center
Apr 2015 - Apr 2016 - Prince Muteb St /Al Safa /Jeddah
Internal Medicine Specialist Jeddah National Hospital
Feb 2015 - Mar 2015 - Al Makroona St / Jeddah
Internal Medicine Spcialist Al Ruwily Hospital
Feb 2014 - Jan 2015 - Al Naseem / Jeddah / Ksa
Internal Medicine Specialist Dr Inass Clinic
Jun 2011 - Dec 2013 - Al Manyal Street / Cairo / Egypt
Internal Medicine Rigistrar Police Hospital
Sep 2006 - May 2011 - Agoza /Cairo / Egypt
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