Dr. Jerwala Mustafa


Occupational Therapist30 years of experience

Dubai, Oudh Metha, Oudh Metha

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About Dr. Jerwala Mustafa

Dr. Jerwala Mustafa is an occupational therapist currently working at Rashid Hospital in Dubai, Oudh Metha. He has a valid Dubai Health Authority License (27985) and has been practicing as a therapist since October 2018. Dr. Mustafa has extensive work experience as an occupational therapist. He worked as a senior occupational therapist at Dubai Health Authority from June 1995 to February 2014. During this time, he gained valuable experience in treating patients and helping them improve their daily functioning. In addition to his role at Dubai Health Authority, Dr. Mustafa also worked as a senior occupational therapist at Rashid Hospital from June 1995 to February 2016. This experience allowed him to specialize in providing occupational therapy services within a hospital setting. Dr. Mustafa's current position at Rashid Hospital as an active licensed therapist underscores his expertise and commitment to helping patients achieve their functional goals. Based on his work experiences, Dr. Mustafa is highly skilled in providing occupational therapy treatments and services. Patients can trust him to deliver high-quality care and support them in their rehabilitation journey. Dr. Jerwala Mustafa's dedication to his profession and his years of experience make him a respected and valued occupational therapist in the Dubai healthcare community.

Provider information

Occupational Therapist
30 years

Work experience

Therapist Active License Rashid Hospital License: 00027985-001

Oct 2018 - present - Dubai, UAE

Sen Occupational Therapist Dubai Health Authority

Jun 1995 - Feb 2014 - P.O. Box 4545 , Dubai , U.A.E

Senior Occupational Therapist Dubai Health Authority

Jun 1995 - Aug 2018 - Rashid Hospital Physical Medicine And Rehabilitati

Senior Occupational Therapist Dubai Health Authority Rashid Hospital

Jun 1995 - Feb 2016 - Rashid Hospitaloud Metha Road Bur Dubai


Locations and opening hours
Rashid Hospital
Dubai, Oudh Metha - Oudh Metha
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