Dr. Clarissa Carlos

Dr. Clarissa Carlos


Laser Hair Reduction17 years of experience

Jumeira Beach Road, Jumeira 3, Jumeira - 3

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About Dr. Clarissa Carlos

Dr. Clarissa Carlos, with Dubai Health Authority License number 148968, is a professional in the field of laser hair reduction. She currently works at the Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch, located at Jumeira Beach Road, Jumeira 3. Dr. Carlos has gained valuable experience in her field throughout her career. She holds an active license as a Privilege Active License Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch, which she has held since April 2019. Prior to this, she held an active license as a Registered Nurse at the same clinic, which she obtained in April 2019. Before joining Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch, Dr. Carlos worked as a Registered Nurse under the name Clarissa Siwa from July 2014 to December 2014. She also has experience as a Staff Nurse at Sakr Abdulmajid International Company from June 2008 to April 2014. Dr. Carlos is known for her expertise and has received positive reviews for her laser hair reduction services. Her patients have praised her for her skill, professionalism, and ability to make the procedure comfortable and effective. For anyone in Dubai seeking laser hair reduction, Dr. Clarissa Carlos at the Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch is a highly recommended choice. Her knowledge and experience in the field, combined with her dedication to providing excellent care, make her a trusted practitioner in her field.

Provider information

Laser Hair Reduction
17 years

Work experience

Privilege Active License Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch License: 00148968-001

Apr 2019 - present - Dubai, UAE

Registered Nurse Active License Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch License: 00148968-001

Apr 2019 - present - Dubai, UAE

Registered Nurse Clarissa Siwa

Jul 2014 - Dec 2014 - Marina

Staff Nurse Sakr Abdulmajid International Company

Jun 2008 - Apr 2014 - Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia


Locations and opening hours
Dramina Alamiri Clinic Branch
Jumeira Beach Road, Jumeira 3 - Jumeira - 3
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