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About Dr. Ahmed Kazim
Dr. Ahmed Kazim is an orthopedic surgeon currently practicing at the Dr. Ahmed Kazim Clinic in Dubai. He holds a license from the Dubai Health Authority with the license number 251036. His clinic is located at Khalid Bin Al Walid, Al Suq Al Kabeer. Dr. Ahmed Kazim has a wealth of experience in the field of orthopedic surgery. He has been practicing as a specialist with an active license at his own clinic since May 2018. Prior to that, he held a position as the head of the Dubai Health Authority from October 1978 to January 2004. While there are no specific details about Dr. Ahmed Kazim's work history during his time as the head of the Dubai Health Authority, it can be assumed that he played a significant role in managing and overseeing the orthopedic services provided by the authority during that period. Unfortunately, there are no reviews available at the moment to provide insights into Dr. Ahmed Kazim's expertise or patient satisfaction. However, with his extensive experience and current practice as a specialist, it can be assumed that he is well-regarded in the field of orthopedic surgery.
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