Dr. Riad Alalaili


General Surgeon24 years of experience


Sheikh Zayed Road, Landmark: Near To Sharaf DJ Metro Station, Al Barsha 1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Overall rating
(3 reviews)


About Dr. Riad Alalaili

No information about this doctor has been provided yet.

Provider information

General Surgeon
24 years

Work experience

Specialist Active License Al Zahra Pvt. Hospital License: 00043136-001

Feb 2019 - present - Dubai, UAE

General Surgeon Synergy

Feb 2012 - Nov 2012 - Dubai, UAE

Doctor Najjar Hospital

Nov 2001 - Dec 2011 - Lebanon- Bauirut

Surgeon Najjar Hos

Oct 2001 - Oct 2011 - Labanon


Locations and opening hours
Al Zahra Hospital
Sheikh Zayed Road, Landmark: Near To Sharaf DJ Metro Station, Al Barsha 1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Dubai
Get directions
asd1.50 • 3 Reviews
ArabiaMD UserMarch 2020

My name is Laila. I underwent a thyroidectomy during 2015 as I was suffering from a very small tumor less than 1 centimeter in size and it was trapped inside the thyroid and it was a papillary tumor and so far I do not know why the thyroid gland was removed, as you told me that my condition is very easy and all that I need it is a gland excision only, and I will suffice with a pill that is only thyroxine, and since the procedure I suffer from permanent pain due to a lack of calcium, I suffer from distraction, lack of attention, permanent pain in the bones, numbness in the body, and rapid heart rate because I take every day 5 pills of calcium 600 And vitamin D which caused Me stomach ulcers, I need help and treatment How can you help me , You did the surgery mistake for me with all my respect you need to take some responsibility

ArabiaMD UserMarch 2020

Hi dr Riad Alalaili,My name is Laila. I underwent a thyroidectomy during 2015 as I was suffering from a very small tumor less than 1 centimeter 0.7 in size and it was trapped inside the thyroid and it was a papillary tumor and so far I do not know why the parathyroid gland was removed, as you told me that my condition is very easy and all that I need it is a gland excision only, and I will suffice with a pill after the surgery that is only thyroxine, and since the procedure I suffer from permanent pain due to a lack of calcium, I suffer from distraction, lack of attention, less of memory ,permanent pain in the bones, numbness in the body, and rapid heart rate because I take every day 5 pills of calcium 600 And vitamin D which caused Me stomach ulcers, I need help and treatment How can you help me , You did the surgery mistake for me with all my respect you need to take some responsibilities when I came back to America all the doctors I get treatment with from Told me that any surgeon with experience will never do this mistake .

ArabiaMD UserMarch 2020

Hi dr Riad Alalaili,My name is Laila. I underwent a thyroidectomy during 2015 as I was suffering from a very small tumor less than 1 centimeter 0.7 in size and it was trapped inside the thyroid and it was a papillary tumor and so far I do not know why the parathyroid gland was removed, as you told me that my condition is very easy and all that I need it is a gland excision only, and I will suffice with a pill after the surgery that is only thyroxine, and since the procedure I suffer from permanent pain due to a lack of calcium, I suffer from distraction, lack of attention, less of memory ,permanent pain in the bones, numbness in the body, and rapid heart rate because I take every day 5 pills of calcium 600 And vitamin D which caused Me stomach ulcers, I need help and treatment How can you help me , You did the surgery mistake for me with all my respect you need to take some responsibilities when I came back to America all the doctors I get treatment with from Told me that any surgeon with experience will never do this mistake .