Dr. Sumeet Sialy
Internal medicine • 24 years of experience
Motorcity, Dubai Sport City, Dubai Sport City
About Dr. Sumeet Sialy
Dr. Sumeet Sialy is an internal medicine specialist with a Dubai Health Authority License number 131593. Currently, Dr. Sialy is practicing at Medi Centres Polyclinic located in Motorcity, Dubai Sport City. With extensive experience in the field of internal medicine, Dr. Sialy has held positions at various healthcare facilities. From 2018 December to the present, Dr. Sialy has been working as a Specialist with an active license at Medi Centres Polyclinic. Prior to this, Dr. Sialy served as a Specialist Physician at Medicentres International from 2007 to 2012, and as an Internist at the American Mission Hospital from 2001 to 2005. Despite a proven track record and years of experience, Dr. Sialy does not currently have any reviews. As a healthcare provider, leaving a review based on your experience can help the community make informed decisions regarding their health.
Provider information
Work experience
Specialist Active License Medi Centres Polyclinic License: 00131593-001
Dec 2018 - present - Dubai, UAE
Specialist Physician Medicentres International
Mar 2007 - Jan 2012 - Medicentres International Po Box 450522 Block F,
Internist American Mission Hospital
Aug 2001 - Mar 2005 - Po Box 1, Manama,Bahrain
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