Dr. Afra Bin Touq
General Practitioner (GP) • 7 years of experience
Dubai Health Authority Medical Education Department, Um Hurair 1, Um Hurair - 1
About Dr. Afra Bin Touq
Dr. Afra Bin Touq is a General Practitioner (GP) with a Dubai Health Authority License number 216940. Currently, she is working at the Dha-medical Education Department located in Um Hurair 1, Dubai. Dr. Bin Touq has been holding a Resident Active License with the Dha-Medical Education and Research Department since September 2018. As of now, there are no reviews available for Dr. Afra Bin Touq. Patients are encouraged to share their experiences and provide feedback to contribute to the community's health decision-making process.
Provider information
Work experience
Resident Active License Dha - Medical Education and Research Department License: 00216940-001
Sep 2018 - present - Dubai, UAE
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