Dr. Hatem Moussa
General Surgeon • 15 years of experience
Oud Metha, Oudh Metha, Oudh Metha
About Dr. Hatem Moussa
Dr. Hatem Moussa is a General Surgeon currently practicing at the American Hospital in Dubai, with a Dubai Health Authority License number 197999. He has been working as a Consultant General Surgeon at the American Hospital Dubai LLC since March 2019. Prior to his current position, Dr. Moussa was board certified as a General Surgeon at North Florida Medical Group from October 2010 to October 2018. Despite his extensive experience and qualifications, there are currently no reviews available for Dr. Hatem Moussa. Patient feedback and reviews are essential in helping individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare providers. If you have had an experience with Dr. Moussa, consider sharing your feedback to assist others in the community seeking healthcare services.
Provider information
Work experience
Consultant Active License American Hospital Dubai LLC License: 00197999-001
Mar 2019 - present - Dubai, UAE
Board Certified General Surgeon North Florida Medical Group
Oct 2010 - Oct 2018 - 1702 Ohio Avenue Lynn Haven, Fl 32444 Usa
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