Dr. Mohamad Karima
General Practitioner (GP) • 12 years of experience
Amman Street, Al Nahda 2, Al Nahda - 2
About Dr. Mohamad Karima
Dr. Mohamad Karima is a General Practitioner (GP) currently practicing at N.M.C. Specialty Hospital in Dubai. He holds a Dubai Health Authority License number 168853. Dr. Karima has been working at N.M.C. Specialty Hospital since October 2018. Prior to that, he worked as a General Practitioner at Al Sharq Hospital from June 2013 to April 2016. As of now, there are no reviews available for Dr. Mohamad Karima. Patients are encouraged to share their experiences to help the community make informed decisions about their healthcare. The address for N.M.C. Specialty Hospital where Dr. Karima practices is located on Amman Street, Al Nahda 2. Dr. Karima's dedication to providing quality healthcare services to his patients is evident through his years of experience in the field. His current position at N.M.C. Specialty Hospital showcases his commitment to delivering excellent medical care to the residents of Dubai.
Provider information
Work experience
General Practitioner Active License N.M.C. Specialty Hospital License: 00168853-001
Oct 2018 - present - Dubai, UAE
General Practitioner Al Sharq Hospital
Jun 2013 - Apr 2016 - Syria
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